Who is Kubera, The Hindu God?

Who is Kubera, The Hindu God?
Posted on 23-06-2023

Who is Kubera, The Hindu God?

Kubera is a deity in Hindu mythology and is often regarded as the God of Wealth and Prosperity. He is an important figure in Hinduism and is associated with material wealth, abundance, and the distribution of resources. Kubera is also considered one of the Guardians of the Directions, presiding over the northern direction. In this comprehensive explanation, we will delve into the origins, characteristics, legends, and worship of Kubera, exploring the various aspects that define his significance in Hindu culture and religion.


Origins and Genealogy:

Kubera's origins can be traced back to ancient Indian texts, primarily the Vedas and the Puranas. The Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, dating back thousands of years, while the Puranas are later compilations that provide detailed accounts of various deities and their narratives. Kubera is prominently mentioned in the Rigveda, one of the four Vedas, as well as in later Puranic literature.

In Hindu mythology, Kubera is often described as a Yaksha, a class of supernatural beings associated with wealth and fertility. According to some accounts, Kubera is the son of the sage Vishrava and his wife, Ilavida. Vishrava is also known as the father of Ravana, the main antagonist in the epic Ramayana. Kubera is often depicted as a dwarf-like figure, adorned with precious jewels and carrying a mace or a money bag.


Characteristics and Symbolism:

Kubera's physical appearance is often portrayed as stout and dwarf-like, with a prominent belly and a cheerful countenance. He is typically depicted as a fair-skinned deity, wearing magnificent clothes and ornaments, reflecting his association with wealth and opulence. Kubera is often shown holding a mongoose in his left hand and a money bag or a vessel overflowing with coins in his right hand.

The mongoose, known as Nidhi-ksheera-sagar, has a significant symbolic meaning. It is believed that when Kubera's devotees offer prayers or perform acts of charity, the mongoose spews forth precious gems or pearls, signifying the rewards of generosity and abundance. The money bag or overflowing vessel of coins represents Kubera's ability to bestow wealth and prosperity upon his worshippers.

Kubera's association with wealth is not merely materialistic but also encompasses spiritual and moral dimensions. In Hindu philosophy, wealth is viewed as a means to fulfill one's desires, lead a righteous life, and contribute to the welfare of society. Kubera embodies the ideal of righteous wealth, emphasizing the importance of using wealth in a responsible and compassionate manner.


Legends and Mythology:

Several myths and legends associated with Kubera highlight his role as the God of Wealth and his interactions with other deities and mortals. One of the most famous tales involving Kubera is his encounter with the sage Vishwamitra. According to the Ramayana, Vishwamitra was a powerful sage who performed severe austerities to attain spiritual power. However, he was once afflicted by hunger and approached Kubera for help.

Kubera, impressed by Vishwamitra's devotion and austerity, presented him with a divine feast that was inexhaustible. This incident illustrates Kubera's benevolence and his ability to provide abundant resources to those who seek his assistance sincerely. It also emphasizes the importance of gratitude and humility, as Vishwamitra was humble in his request for food despite his spiritual prowess.

Another significant myth involving Kubera is his role in the churning of the cosmic ocean, known as the Samudra Manthan. According to Hindu mythology, the Devas (celestial beings) and Asuras (demons) engaged in a joint effort to churn the cosmic ocean to obtain Amrita, the nectar of immortality. As the churning commenced, numerous divine objects and beings emerged from the ocean, including Kamadhenu (the wish-fulfilling cow) and Ucchaishravas (the divine horse).

Kubera played a crucial part in this event as the guardian and distributor of the treasures that surfaced during the churning. He ensured that the resources were distributed justly among the Devas and Asuras, demonstrating his role as a fair and unbiased overseer of wealth and prosperity. This myth showcases Kubera's association with abundance and his ability to maintain balance and equilibrium in the distribution of resources.


Worship and Festivals:

Kubera is widely revered and worshipped in Hindu culture, particularly by those seeking wealth, financial stability, and overall prosperity. Devotees believe that propitiating Kubera can bring success in business, career, and other endeavors. The worship of Kubera is typically conducted alongside the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Kubera's consort.

Temples dedicated to Kubera can be found in various parts of India, with the most famous one located in the town of Kumbakonam in the state of Tamil Nadu. The Kubera Kolam, a sacred geometric pattern representing Kubera, is often drawn at the entrance of households or business establishments to attract wealth and prosperity. Kubera's blessings are also sought during the festival of Diwali, a significant Hindu festival associated with wealth and abundance.

During Diwali, people clean their homes, light oil lamps, and perform prayers to Kubera and Lakshmi, seeking their blessings for a prosperous year ahead. Offerings of sweets, fruits, flowers, and incense are made to the deities, and special rituals and ceremonies are conducted to invoke their presence. It is believed that invoking Kubera and Lakshmi during Diwali can dispel poverty, bring financial stability, and usher in abundance and good fortune.

Additionally, the Kubera Yantra, a sacred geometric diagram representing Kubera's divine energy, is used as a tool for meditation and manifestation of wealth. Devotees meditate upon the Yantra, focusing their intentions on attracting wealth and abundance into their lives. The repetition of Kubera's mantras, such as the Kubera Gayatri mantra or the Kubera Moola mantra, is also considered a potent practice to connect with his energy and seek his blessings.


Symbolic Interpretation and Philosophical Significance:

Beyond the materialistic interpretation of Kubera as the God of Wealth, there are deeper symbolic and philosophical dimensions associated with his worship. Kubera's depiction as a dwarf-like figure carries symbolic significance, representing the idea that true wealth lies in recognizing the impermanence of material possessions and cultivating contentment within oneself.

His association with the northern direction is also meaningful. In Hindu philosophy, the north is considered the direction of Kubera, the abode of wealth and abundance. It symbolizes progress, growth, and the accumulation of resources. However, it is essential to approach wealth with the right attitude and understanding, as excessive attachment to material possessions can hinder spiritual progress and lead to suffering.

Kubera's worship encourages individuals to seek wealth and prosperity through righteous means, emphasizing ethical conduct, hard work, and generosity. It highlights the importance of sharing one's wealth with others and contributing to the welfare of society. Kubera's blessings are believed to extend not only to material wealth but also to spiritual and emotional well-being, fostering a harmonious and balanced life.


Kubera, the Hindu God of Wealth and Prosperity, occupies a significant place in Hindu mythology and culture. His association with abundance, fair distribution of resources, and righteous wealth makes him a revered deity for those seeking material and spiritual prosperity. Kubera's depiction as a dwarf-like figure and his symbolism in various myths and legends offer valuable lessons on the importance of gratitude, humility, and responsible use of wealth.

Through worship, rituals, and the use of sacred symbols such as the Kubera Kolam and Yantra, devotees connect with Kubera's divine energy and seek his blessings for financial stability and overall well-being. The worship of Kubera is not confined to a mere desire for material wealth but encompasses the cultivation of virtues such as generosity, ethical conduct, and contentment.

Ultimately, the worship of Kubera encourages individuals to seek a balanced approach to wealth, where material prosperity is aligned with spiritual growth and the welfare of others. By embracing Kubera's teachings and integrating them into their lives, devotees strive to create a prosperous and harmonious existence, benefiting not only themselves but also the larger community.

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