Women: health and creativity.

Women: health and creativity.
Posted on 20-03-2022

Currently, women from all over the world are demanding, as they have for a long time, justice and equal rights. The fight against femicides is a central issue that implies informing and educating for the present and the future. Today more than ever, with the issue becoming much more visible and open, we are facing situations of extreme violence and the need to work in greater depth to prevent these atrocious events.

At the same time, we allow ourselves to think about the role of women in society, the transformation of these places, and how much remains to be done.

In this article, we are going to emphasize the tasks that even today are assigned exclusively to women, and how many of these mandates restrict individual expression and creativity, necessary conditions for comprehensive health.

Today, and although there have been many achievements around equal rights and social equality, women are very often in charge of the care and household tasks on a day-to-day basis. This could not be a problem if it were balanced, shared and if it did not imply the impossibility of carrying out others. However, this is not usually what happens, being exclusively in charge of women in most cases.

Our patriarchal society organizes speeches and tasks according to its own structure. Women in this vision represent weakness, passivity. And the system censors and constructs it, hindering the full experience that every woman should be able to experience.

Women are thus tied to mandates, expectations, tasks, and demands that pass through the male gaze, causing them to disconnect from their true intuitions and desires.

Beyond women who rebel against this, who have reached positions of power, and that we have available examples of women who have transcended these mandates, prejudice, and rejection still circulate.

The sexual enjoyment of women, for example, is a socially rejected topic, even taboo. Only recently has this issue been addressed more and issues such as female sexuality, enjoyment, and the menstrual cycle are beginning to be discussed a little more openly.

This leads many women to feel disconnected from their bodies, their wants, and needs. To think about what should be done, about the image they represent for the other and not based on their deep desires.

"Throughout history, Wild Woman's spirit lands have been pillaged or burned, her lairs razed to the ground, and her natural cycles forced to adapt to artificial rhythms to please others." Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

How often do we find women who have no time for themselves! 

Those who mother go through guilt, the stigma of the "bad mother" and the direction that time and time again pushes them to abnegation and sacrifice. What is the time of spontaneous expression, of creativity among so many tasks and duties?

The labor conquest involves women who duplicate their tasks, and who often do not have a moment of solitude or a moment to share with others, to form a tribe. 

The tasks that overwhelm them are, at the same time, little valued in relation to "masculine" tasks, and only recently have domestic tasks been recognized as a job, still being largely invisible.

This condition of women in today's society complicates the field of health as we are integral beings, who need to explore and go through different facets of existence. Creative spaces are necessary because they connect us with diversity, and women who comply with the mandate do not have the possibility to respect those spaces for themselves. The more skewed the experience, the more difficult it is to achieve a state of balance.

Reporting and participating in these claims, from any angle of society, is essential to promote change.


Thank You
