
What is the Demerger of a company?

What is the Demerger of a company? - The demerger of a company refers to the process of breaking up a larger company into smaller, independent entities, often resulting in the distribution of its assets, liabilities, and businesses

Abbreviations - Definition, Rules, Types

Abbreviations - Definition, Rules, Types. - Abbreviations are short forms of many lengthy phrases or long words. It becomes easier for you to read challenging and sophisticated words.

Ability-to-Pay Taxation: Understanding the Definition and Examples of Equitable Tax Systems

Ability-to-Pay Taxation: Understanding the Definition and Examples of Equitable Tax Systems - Ability-to-pay taxation is a principle of taxation that suggests individuals or entities with a greater ability to pay taxes should bear a higher tax burden.

Abenomics: Exploring the Definition, History, and Shinzo Abe's Three Arrows of Economic Policy

Abenomics: Exploring the Definition, History, and Shinzo Abe's Three Arrows of Economic Policy - Definition, History, and Shinzo Abe's Three Arrows: Abenomics refers to the economic policies implemented by Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan

AARP: Empowering and Advocating for Adults 50 and Older

AARP: Empowering and Advocating for Adults 50 and Older: Overview, Affiliates, and Lobbying Efforts - AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, is a nonprofit organization based in the United States

Understanding AAA Credit Ratings: Definition, Criteria, and Types of Bonds

Understanding AAA Credit Ratings: Definition, Criteria, and Types of Bonds - AAA, as a credit rating, represents the highest rating given by credit rating agencies to indicate the creditworthiness of a bond issuer.

China A-Shares vs. B-Shares: Understanding the Differences and History of China's Mainland Stock Exchanges

"China A-Shares vs. B-Shares: Understanding the Differences and History of China's Mainland Stock Exchanges" - China A-Shares and B-Shares are two types of stocks that are traded on the Chinese mainland stock exchanges.

China A-Shares: Definition, History, and Comparison with B-Shares

China A-Shares: Definition, History, and Comparison with B-Shares - China A-Shares and B-Shares are two types of shares representing ownership in Chinese companies.

A-B Trust: Definition, Function, and Tax Benefits in Estate Planning

"A-B Trust: Definition, Function, and Tax Benefits in Estate Planning" - A-B trust, also known as a bypass trust or a credit shelter trust, is a type of trust arrangement commonly used in estate planning to maximize tax benefits for married couples.

Funding sources | Sources of financing
What are the sources of financing? [Funding Sources]

Funding sources | Sources of financing | What are the sources of financing? | Characteristics of financing sources | Types of funding sources | Importance and Example of financing sources

Welfare state
What is the welfare state?

Welfare state | What is the welfare state? | Origin of the welfare state | Characteristics of the welfare state | Types of welfare state | Economics

Economic cycle
What is the economic cycle?

Economic cycle | What is the economic cycle? Characteristics of the economic cycle | Phases of the economic cycle | Components of the economic cycle | Types of economic cycles

What is Keynesianism?

Keynesianism | The economic theory encourages state intervention through economic policy. What is Keynesianism? Keynes's theory

Economic theory - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more
Economic theory

All about what economic theory is, main characteristics, examples, classical, Marxist, Keynesian, neoclassical theory, and more.

Country risk

Everything about what country risk is, definition, how it is calculated, methods to calculate it, examples, and more information.

Economic Recession - What is it? Characteristics, and more
Economic Recession

Everything about what the economic recession is, we tell you its main definition, common characteristics, causes, consequences, and more.

Financial Institution - What is it? characteristics, functions, types, and more
Financial institution

Everything about what a financial institution is, definition, main characteristics, functions, types and classification, examples, and more.

Nominal exchange rate - What is it? causes of its variation, and more.
Nominal exchange rate

Everything about what the nominal exchange rate is, causes of its variation, differences with the real exchange rate, examples, and more.

Goods - What are they? types, classification, examples, and more

All about what goods are, we tell you their main definition, types and classification, examples, and more information.

Services - What are they? characteristics, types, examples, and more

Everything about what services are, definition, main characteristics, types and classification, examples, and more.

Consumption - What is it? Determinants, how is it calculated? and more

Everything about what consumption is, we tell you its main definition, determinants of consumption, how to calculate it, and more.

Consumer goods - What are they? types, examples, and more
Consumer goods - What are they? types, examples, and more

Everything about what consumer goods are, we tell you their main definition, types, classification, and examples.

Quinary sector - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more
Quinary sector

Everything about what the quinary sector is, we tell you its definition, main characteristics, examples, and more.

Porter's 5 forces - What are they? example, and more
Porter's 5 forces

All about what Porter's 5 forces are, potential entrants, competitors, substitutes, suppliers, buyers, examples, and more.

Foreign exchange market - What is it? characteristics, instruments, and more
Foreign exchange market - What is it? characteristics, instruments, and more

Everything about what the foreign exchange market is, definition and main characteristics, instruments, participants, and more.

International Monetary Fund - What is it? objectives, functions, and more
International Monetary Fund

Everything about what the International Monetary Fund is, main definition, objectives, functions, countries that promote it, and more.

Loan - What is it? classification, people involved, and more

Everything about what a loan is, we tell you its main definition, types and classification, people involved, parts, and more.

Positive economy - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more
Positive economy

Everything about what the positive economy is, we tell you its main definition, characteristics, examples, and more information.

Normative economics - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more
Normative economics

Everything about what normative economics is, we tell you its main definition, characteristics, examples, and more information.

Livestock - What is it? characteristics, importance, types, and more

Everything about what livestock is, definition, main characteristics, importance, types and classification, and more.

Clients - What are they? types, classification, examples, and more

All about what clients are, we tell you their main definition, types and classification, examples, and more information.

Agriculture - What is it? characteristics, types, importance, and more

Everything about what agriculture is, we tell you its definition, main characteristics, types and classification, importance, and more.

Social classes - What are they? characteristics, types, and more
Social classes

All about what social classes are, we tell you their definition, main characteristics, types and classification, and more.

Economic growth - What is it? characteristics, factors, and more.
Economic growth - What is it? characteristics, factors, and more.

Everything about what economic growth is, we tell you its main characteristics, how it is measured, factors that affect it, and more.

Production modes - What are they? examples, and more
Production modes

All about what the modes of production are, we tell you what they are, types and classification, examples, and more information.

Salary - What is it? characteristics, types, examples, and more

All about what salary is, we tell you its definition and main characteristics, types and classification, examples, and more.

Personal (Movable) property - What are they? Characteristics, types, examples, and more
Personal (Movable) property - What are they? Characteristics, types, examples, and more

All about what personal (movable) property is, we tell you its definition and main characteristics, types and classification, examples, and more.

Physiological needs - What are they? examples, and more information
Physiological needs

All about physiological needs according to Maslow's pyramid, main definition, examples, and more information.

Security needs - What are they? Examples and more information
Security needs

All about what security needs are according to Maslow's pyramid, examples, and more information.

Commercial - What is it?, companies, law, activities and more

Everything about what the commercial term means, companies, law, activities, uses, examples, and more information.

Economic system - What is it? elements, types, and more
Economic system

Everything about what an economic system is, we tell you its main definition, elements, types and classification, and more information.

Central Bank - What is it? characteristics, functions, instruments, and more
Central Bank

Everything about what the central bank is, definition and main characteristics, functions, instruments, examples, and more.

Social networks (Social Media) - What are they? characteristics, advantages, disadvantages
Social networks (Social Media)

All about what social networks / social media are, we tell you their main characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, examples, and more.

Real Estate - What are they? Characteristics, types, examples, and more
Real Estate

Everything about what real estate is, definition and main characteristics, types and classification, examples, and more.

Bank - What is it? characteristics, types, functions, examples, and more

Everything about what a bank is, definition and main characteristics, types and classification, functions, examples, and more.

Barter - What is it? history, examples, and more information

All about what bartering is, we tell you its main definition, history, examples, and more important information.

State - What is it? characteristics, elements, functions, powers, and more

Everything about what the state is, main characteristics, elements, functions, powers, the state as an economic agent, and more.

Poverty - What is it? types, causes, consequences, and more

Everything about what poverty is, types and classification, basic conditions, how it is measured, causes, consequences, and more.

Money - What is it? characteristics, types, functions, importance, and more

Everything about what money is, definition and main characteristics, types and classification, functions, importance, and more.

Neoliberalism - What is it? characteristics, principles, origin, and more

Everything about what neoliberalism is, characteristics, principles, origin, relationship with liberalism and capitalism, examples, and more.

Income - What are they? types, examples, and more

All about what income is, we tell you its main definition, types and classification, examples, and more.

Capital goods - What are they? characteristics, examples, and more
Capital goods

All about what capital goods are, we tell you their definition and main characteristics, examples, and more.

Intermediate goods - What are they? characteristics, examples, and more
Intermediate goods

All about what intermediate goods are, we tell you their definition and main characteristics, examples, and more.

Private goods - What are they? characteristics, examples, and more
Private goods

All about what private goods are, main characteristics, private goods provided by the State, examples, and more.

Public goods - What are they? characteristics, types, examples, and more
Public goods

All about what public goods are, we tell you their definition and main characteristics, types and classification, examples, and more.

Subsidy - What is it? characteristics, types, and examples

Everything about what the subsidy is, its main characteristics, types, classification, and examples of these among other information.

Medium-term goals - What are they? characteristics, examples, and more
Medium-term goals

All about what medium-term goals are, we tell you their definition and main characteristics, examples, and more.

Finance - What are they? characteristics, types, resources, areas, and more

Everything about what finances are, their definition and main characteristics, types and classification, resources, areas, and more.

Import Substitution Model - What is it? origin, measurements, and more
Import Substitution Model

All about what the import substitution model is, we tell you its definition, origin, measures, advantages, and more.

Lower class - What is it? features, problems, and more
Lower class

All about what is the lower class, its definition, main characteristics, problems of the lower class, and more information on these.

Stockbroker - What is it? features, functions, and more

Everything about what a broker or stockbroker is, definition, concept, functions, characteristics, and more information about them.

Middle class - What is it? characteristics, examples
Middle class

Everything about what is the middle class, definition, meaning, characteristics, examples, and more information among others.

Employment - What is it? characteristics, types, and examples
Employment / Job

Everything about what employment is, the main characteristics, types, and examples among other information.

Competition - What is it? types, and examples

Everything about what competition in economics is, its classification, types, and examples among other information.

Public debt - What is it? types, and examples
Public debt

Everything about what public debt is, its definition, concept, classification, types, and examples among other information.

Market - What is it? characteristics, types, examples, and more

Everything about what a market is in economics, its definition and main characteristics, types and classification, examples, and more.

Industrialization - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more

Everything about what industrialization is, we tell you its definition and main characteristics, examples, and more.

Consumer - What is it? characteristics, types, and examples

Everything about what a consumer is, definition, characteristics, types, classification, examples, and more information.

Unemployment - What is it? types, measurement, causes, consequences, and more

Everything about what unemployment is, its types and measurement classification, causes and consequences, and more information.

Buyer - What is it? characteristics, types, examples, and more

Everything about what a buyer is, definition, characteristics, types, classification, examples, and more information.

Labor market - What is it? characteristics, elements, and more
Labor market

Everything about what the labor market is, main characteristics, elements that compose it, level indicators, and more information.

Government (State) Bonds - What are they? How do they work? advantages, disadvantages
Government (State) Bonds

Everything about what state bonds are, how they work, advantages, disadvantages, and more information about them.

Personal finance - What are they? objectives, planning, examples, and more
Personal finance - What are they? objectives, planning, examples, and more

Everything about what personal finances are, definition, objectives, their planning process, examples, and more information.

International market - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more
International market

Everything about what the international market is, definition, main characteristics, examples, and more information.

Sales budget - What is it? How is it prepared? and importance
Sales budget

We tell you what a sales budget is, how it is prepared, its objectives, and the importance it fulfills in administration and sales.

Marketing mix - What is it? the 4Ps, and examples
Marketing mix

All about what the Marketing Mix is, its definition, and its well-known 4Ps (Product, price, place, and promotion). Also examples of each of them.

Social needs - What are they? importance, and examples
Social needs

We tell you what social needs are, examples that apply to this concept and definition, and the importance they have in people's lives.

Electronic commerce - What is it? advantages and disadvantages, types, and more
Electronic commerce

Everything about what electronic commerce is, types and classification, advantages and disadvantages that it presents, and examples of companies that apply to this model.

Advertising - What is it? What is it for? types, history, and classification

Everything about what advertising is, its definition, what it is for, classification and types of advertising that exist, its history and origin.

Marketing - What is it? objectives, functions, and types

Everything about what marketing is, concept, meaning and definition, different functions it fulfills, objectives, and existing types of marketing.

Market segmentation - What is it? variables, types, and examples
Market segmentation

Everything about what is market segmentation, definition, segmentation variables, types, examples of how companies apply, and importance.

Direct Marketing - What is it? types, objectives, and examples
Direct Marketing

All about what direct marketing is, its definition, classification and types, objectives, advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing, and examples.

Telemarketing - What is it? functions, types, techniques, and examples

Everything about what telemarketing is, its definition, functions it fulfills, types of telemarketing, advantages, and disadvantages, techniques it uses, and examples

Call center - What is it? types, characteristics, examples, and more
Call center - What is it? types, characteristics, examples, and more

Everything about what a call center is, its definition, and its concept. Characteristics of this along with its functions, types, classification, and examples.

Competitive advantage - What is it? Characteristics, types, and examples
Competitive advantage - What is it? Characteristics, types, and examples

Everything about what competitive advantage is, its definition and concept, its characteristics, classification and types, and examples with real companies.

Operational Marketing - What is it? characteristics, actions, and examples
Operational Marketing - What is it? characteristics, actions, and examples

Everything about what operational or tactical marketing is, characteristics, actions that it performs, relationship with strategic marketing, and examples.

Strategic Marketing - What is it? features, functions, and more
Strategic Marketing - What is it? features, functions, and more

Everything about what strategic marketing is, its definition, its characteristics, functions it performs, elements, tools, and strategies.

Market study - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more
Market study - What is it? characteristics, examples, and more

Everything about what a market study is, its definition and meaning, its characteristics, steps to carry out a market study, and examples.

Target audience - What is it? types and examples
Target audience - What is it? types and examples

Everything about what the target audience is, its definition and meaning, classification, types, and examples of company and business audiences.

Logo - What is it? characteristics, types, and examples
Logo - What is it? characteristics, types, and examples

Everything about what logos are, what they are for, characteristics of a good logo, classification, and types with examples of each one.

Digital Marketing - What is it? characteristics, advantages and disadvantages
Digital Marketing - What is it? characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages

Everything about what digital marketing is, definition, its main characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages that this type of marketing presents.

Isotype - What is it? characteristics and examples
Isotype - What is it? characteristics and examples

Everything about what is the isotope, its definition, concept, and meaning, characteristics of these, and isotype examples among other information.

Isologo - What is it? characteristics and examples
Isologo - What is it? characteristics and examples

Everything about what an isologo is, its definition and meaning, main characteristics, and examples of recognized brands that use it.

Imagotype - What is it? characteristics, and examples
Imagotype - What is it? characteristics, and examples

Everything about what an image is, its definition, meaning, characteristics of this type of logo, and examples of recognized brands that use it.

Storytelling - What is it? How to do it, types, examples, and more
Storytelling - What is it? How to do it, types, examples, and more

Everything about what is storytelling, definition, how to make storytelling, types and classification, examples, and more information.

Marketing plan - What is it? What is it for? examples, and more
Marketing plan - What is it? What is it for? examples, and more

Everything about what a marketing plan is, we tell you what it is for, how to make a marketing plan, steps, examples, and more information.

Elevator pitch - What is it, features, how to do it? and more
Elevator pitch - What is it, features, how to do it? and more

Everything about what an elevator pitch is, definition, main characteristics, how to make an elevator pitch, steps, examples and ideas, and more.

Pitch - What is it? How to do it? Examples, and more
Pitch - What is it? How to do it? Examples, and more

Everything about what a pitch or pitch deck is, we tell you its definition, how to make a pitch step by step, pitch examples, and more information.

Corporate image - What is it? elements, types, importance, and more
Corporate image - What is it? elements, types, importance, and more

All about what the corporate image is, we tell you its elements, types and classification, importance, examples, and more.

Advertising campaign - What is it? types, process, examples, and more
Advertising campaign - What is it? types, process, examples, and more

Everything about what an advertising campaign is, we tell you its definition, types and classification, process and elements, examples, and more.

Packaging - What is it? characteristics, types, and more
Packaging - What is it? characteristics, types, and more

All about what packaging is, we tell you its definition and main characteristics, types, classification, and more.

Slogan - What is it? How to do it? Examples and more
Slogan - What is it? How to do it? Examples and more

All about what a slogan is, we tell you its main definition, how to make a slogan, examples and more information.

Media - What are they? characteristics, types, and more
Media - What are they? characteristics, types, and more

Everything about what the media are, main characteristics, types and classification, importance, examples, and more.

Brand - What is it? function, types, classification, examples, and more
Brand - What is it? function, types, classification, examples, and more

All about what a brand is, we tell you its main definition, functions, types and classification, examples, and more.

Sales - What are they? types, process, and examples
Sales - What are they? types, process, and examples

Everything about what sales are, types and classification, sales process and example of cases where a sale is applied and more information.

Seller - What is it?, characteristics, types, functions and examples
Seller - What is it? characteristics, types, functions, and examples

Everything about what a seller is, its main characteristics, types, functions and tasks, examples, and more information.

Promotion - What is it?, types, objectives and examples
Promotion - What is it? types, objectives, and examples

All about what promotion is, definition, types, classification, objectives, examples, and more.

Goods and services - What are they?, characteristics, difference and examples
Goods and services - What are they? characteristics, differences, and examples

Everything about goods and services, what they are, characteristics of each concept, difference between each concept, and examples of each of them.

Business plan - What is it? How to prepare it? examples and more
Business plan - What is it? How to prepare it? examples and more

Everything about what a business plan is, why it is important to prepare it, how to prepare it, examples and models, and more information.

Company - What is it? characteristics, types, importance, examples and more
Company - What is it? characteristics, types, importance, examples, and more

Everything about what a company is, its definition, main characteristics, types and classification, importance, examples, and more.